Sunday, April 5, 2009

Technically I don't speak Khmer

I read over the previous post and I don't want to mislead anyone. I speak terrible Khmer. Most of the time I say things like "Me want chicken" or "I want go there."


Anonymous said...

I confess that in my 27 months, I never got that great at Ukrainian verbs of motion. To this day, I have to say things like: "I (animated hand gesture to indicate motion) to school."
Enjoying your blog!
-Kathleen Wiley

Lieschen and Aaron said...

i was enjoying the thought of arian little you speaking fluent Khmer and now I'm crushed ; )
miss you.

Annemarie Hart said...

Hi Rebecca, this is Mrs. Hart...Kris told me you were at her "palace"..thanks for visiting her..can't wait to read another write so well that when I am reading them I "feel" as though I am there...thank goodness not care now..Mrs. Hart

Unknown said...

Wow...I'm not really sure now what I've gotten myself into! My name is Nikki and I just accepted a placement into Cambodia, starting in July of this year.

I'm really excited and also really nervous. Any tips you can give me?